Rachel's ginger tea

Ginger tea is good for what ails you. I mean it--whatever is wrong, be it nausea, cold, sore throat, malaise, ennui, terminal misanthropy, my ginger tea will cure it. (Okay, I'm still a misanthrope, but at least I am a happy misanthrope with tasty tea.)

Have a non-recipe:
Cut a few slices of fresh ginger root (no, powdered ginger is not okay). I have discovered by experimentation that you can leave the skin on with no ill consequences, which is good, because I am lazy.
Boil them in some water for however long it takes (usually: too long) for the tea to smell delicious and gingery. And look a little yellow.
Pour the tea into mugs (you can even leave the ginger slices in, depending on how strong you want the tea). Squeeze in a few drops of lemon juice. Add honey to taste (by which I mean, add lots of honey, because it is delicious). Stir. Be healed!

Drink it while it's hot, because it becomes vaguely repulsive (to me) when cold.
I read somewhere that you could use rosemary instead of lemon, but why mess with perfection?

I am home (obviously), the only place where I have the luxury of fresh ginger, or a pot to make tea in, or a stove to put the pot on. Bliss.


Jon-Michael Durkin said...

This recipe is too hard to follow...

I demand that you make some for me at 61 JASC.