Who I Am (Johari/Nohari)

The Johari window is a psychological tool/game.  You and others choose the most appropriate words to describe you from a list of adjectives, and you compare your list with others' lists.  Things that both the subject and others know are in the "arena" box: traits that you're aware of and openly display.  I object to the word "facade" for traits that you but not others know about (I've seen other diagrams call it "hidden," which I prefer).  And "blind spot" is what I think is most crucial--uh-oh, how do you see me?

Please feel free to participate (anonymity is possible, obvs) in an online Johari window for me!  The Nohari window is the same thing, but with negative adjectives rather than positive ones.

Johari window

To be frank--filling these out and choosing six traits to represent me was in itself revealing.  It was pretty easy selecting the six for the Johari, since most of the words didn't apply.  When I first clicked every word that applied to me, the Nohari window lit up like a Christmas tree; I see about half of the negative traits in myself.

I think perhaps I am too attached to my many failings.